Email - Setting up SPF, DKIM & DMARC
Prevent spam, spoofing & phishing with Gmail authentication | Set up SPF, DKIM & DMARC for your organization
Gmail administrators should set up email authentication to protect their organization's email. Authentication helps prevent messages from your organization from being marked as spam. It also prevents spammers from impersonating your domain or organization in spoofing and phishing emails.
If spammers send forged messages using your organization's name or domain, people who get these messages might report them as spam. This means legitimate messages from your organization might also be marked as spam. Over time, your organization's internet reputation can be negatively affected.
Email authentication requirements for sending to Gmail accounts
Google performs random checks on messages sent to personal Gmail accounts to verify messages are authenticated. To help ensure messages you send to Gmail accounts are delivered as expected, you should set up either SPF or DKIM for your domain. Messages without at least one of these authentication methods are rejected with a 5.7.26 error, or are marked as spam. We recommend you always set up SPF and DKIM to protect your organization’s email, and to support future authentication requirements.
If you use an email service provider, verify that they authenticate your organization's email with SPF or DKIM.
If you regularly forward email, be sure to follow Best practices for forwarding email to Gmail to help ensure your messages are delivered as expected.
About email authentication
Set up standard email authentication methods for Gmail, and help ensure message delivery and prevent valid messages from being marked as spam. These videos describe how email authentication benefits your organization, and how to set up authentication.